Thursday, November 12, 2015

Series - b&w week october 2015

Last month the usual suspects contributed to yet another black&white week on flickr/facebook. Although this time the b&w week came a little later (one and half years passed since the last one), it felt like everyone was really eager to contribute. I am already longing for the next one! :)

point of view
(Taxona 111/24, Kodak Tri-X 400, ISO 400/27°)

(Ikonta 522/24, Legacy Pro 100, expired, ISO 100/21°)

(Kine-Exakta II, Ilford HP5 Plus 400, expired, ISO 400/27°)

film casino
(Bessa RF, Ilford Pan F 50, expired 1982, ISO 50/18°)

(Tenax I, Ilford HP5 Plus 400, expired, ISO 400/27°)

snowy branches
(Icarette 6x6, Kodak T-MAX 400, ISO 400/27°)

(Contessa 533/24, Rollei Retro 100, expired, ISO 100/21°)

Take a look at all contributions in this flickr group.